Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 3:24-34 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

24. you will rest without a worryand sleep soundly.

25. So don't be afraidof sudden disastersor storms that strikethose who are evil.

26. You can be sure that the Lordwill protect you from harm.

27. Do all you can for everyonewho deserves your help.

28. Don't tell your neighbourto come back tomorrow,if you can help today.

29. Don't try to be meanto neighbours who trust you.

30. Don't argue just to be arguing,when you haven't been hurt.

31. Don't be jealousof cruel peopleor follow their example.

32. The Lord doesn't likeanyone who is dishonest,but he lets good peoplebe his friends.

33. He places a curse on the homeof everyone who is evil,but he blesses the homeof every good person.

34. The Lord sneers at thosewho sneer at him,but he is kind to everyonewho is humble.

Read complete chapter Proverbs 3