Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 21:16-28 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

16. If you stop using good sense,you will find yourselfin the grave.

17. Heavy drinkers and otherswho live only for pleasurewill lose all they have.

18. God's people will escape,but all who are wickedwill pay the price.

19. It's better out in the desertthan at home with a nagging,complaining wife.

20. Be sensible and store upprecious treasures—don't waste themlike a fool.

21. If you try to be kind and good,you will be blessed with lifeand goodness and honour.

22. One wise person can defeata city full of soldiersand capture their fortress.

23. Watching what you saycan save youa lot of trouble.

24. If you are proud and conceited,everyone will say,“You're a snob!”

25. If you want too muchand are too lazy to work,it could be fatal.

26. But people who obey Godare always generous.

27. The Lord despises the offeringsof wicked peoplewith evil motives.

28. If you tell lies in court,you are done for;only a reliable witnesscan do the job.

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