Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 16:17-26 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

17. God's people avoid evil ways,and they protect themselvesby watching where they go.

18. Too much pridewill destroy you.

19. You are better offbeing humble and poorthan getting richfrom what you take by force.

20. If you know what you're doing,you will prosper.God blesses everyonewho trusts him.

21. Good judgment provesthat you are wise,and if you speak kindly,you can teach others.

22. Good sense is a fountainthat gives life,but fools are punishedby their foolishness.

23. You can persuade othersif you are wiseand speak sensibly.

24. Kind words are like honey—they cheer you upand make you feel strong.

25. Sometimes what seems rightis really a road to death.

26. The hungrier you are,the harder you work.

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