Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 14:23-32 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

23. Hard work is worthwhile,but empty talkwill make you poor.

24. Wisdom can make you rich,but foolishness leadsto more foolishness.

25. An honest witnesscan save your life,but liars can't be trusted.

26. If you respect the Lord,you and your childrenhave a strong fortress

27. and a life-giving fountainthat keeps you safefrom deadly traps.

28. Rulers of powerful nationsare held in honour;rulers of weak nationsare nothing at all.

29. It's clever to be patient,but it's stupidto lose your temper.

30. It's healthy to be content,but envy can eat you up.

31. If you ill-treat the poor,you insult your Creator;if you are kind to them,you show him respect.

32. In times of troublethe wicked are destroyed,but even at deaththe innocent have faith.

Read complete chapter Proverbs 14