Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 24:4-12 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

4. It comes from the Lord,the God All-Powerful.I bowed down to himand saw a vision of Israel.

5. “People of Israel,your camp is lovely.

6. It's like a grove of palm treesor a garden beside a river.You are like tall aloe treesthat the Lord has planted,or like cedarsgrowing near water.

7. You and your descendantswill prosper like an orchardbeside a stream.Your king will rule with powerand be a greater kingthan Agag the Amalekite.

8. With the strength of a wild ox,God led you out of Egypt.You will defeat your enemies,shooting them with arrowsand crushing their bones.

9. Like a lion you lie down,resting after an attack.Who would dare disturb you?“Anyone who blesses youwill be blessed;anyone who curses youwill be cursed.”

10. When Balak heard this, he was so furious that he pounded his fist against his hand and said, “I called you here to place a curse on my enemies, and you've blessed them three times.

11. Leave now and go home! I told you I would pay you well, but since the Lord didn't let you do what I asked, you won't be paid.”

12. Balaam answered, “I told your messengers

Read complete chapter Numbers 24