Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 23:7-18 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

7. Balaam said:“King Balak of Moab brought mefrom the hills of Syriato curse Israeland announce its doom.

8. But I can't go against God!He did not curseor condemn Israel.

9. “From the mountain peaks,I look down and see Israel,the obedient people of God.

10. They are living alone in peace.And though they are many,they don't botherthe other nations.“I hope to obey Godfor as long as I liveand to die in such peace.”

11. Balak said, “What are you doing? I asked you to come and place a curse on my enemies. But you have blessed them instead!”

12. Balaam answered, “I can say only what the Lord tells me.”

13. Balak said to Balaam, “Let's go somewhere else. Perhaps if you see a smaller part of the Israelites, you will be able to curse them for me.”

14. So he took Balaam to a field on top of Mount Pisgah where lookouts were stationed. Then he built seven altars there and sacrificed a bull and a ram on each one.

15. “Wait here beside your offerings,” Balaam said. “The Lord will appear to me over there.”

16. The Lord appeared to Balaam and gave him another message, then he told him to go and tell Balak.

17. Balaam went back and saw him and his officials standing beside the offerings.Balak asked, “What did the Lord say?”

18. Balaam answered:“Pay close attentionto my words—

Read complete chapter Numbers 23