Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 23:24-30 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

24. They are like angry lionsready to attack;and they won't restuntil their victimis gobbled up.”

25. Balak shouted, “If you're not going to curse Israel, then at least don't bless them.”

26. “I've already told you,” Balaam answered. “I will say only what the Lord tells me.”

27. Balak said to Balaam, “Come on, let's try another place. Perhaps God will let you curse Israel from there.”

28. So he took Balaam to Mount Peor overlooking the desert north of the Dead Sea.

29. Balaam said, “Build seven altars here, then bring me seven bulls and seven rams.”

30. After Balak had done what Balaam asked, he sacrificed a bull and a ram on each altar.

Read complete chapter Numbers 23