Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 16:46-49 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

46. Then Moses told Aaron, “Grab your fire pan and fill it with hot coals from the altar. Put incense in it, then quickly take it to where the people are and offer it to the Lord, so they can be forgiven. The Lord is very angry, and people have already started dying!”

47-48. Aaron did exactly what he had been told. He ran over to the crowd of people and stood between the dead bodies and the people who were still alive. He placed the incense on the pan, then offered it to the Lord and asked him to forgive the people's sin. The disease immediately stopped spreading, and no one else died from it.

49. But fourteen thousand seven hundred Israelites were dead, not counting those who had died with Korah and his followers.

Read complete chapter Numbers 16