Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 16:15-28 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

15. Moses was very angry and said to the Lord, “Don't listen to these men! I haven't done anything wrong to them. I haven't taken as much as a donkey.”

16. Then he said to Korah, “Tomorrow you and your followers must go with Aaron to the Lord's sacred tent.

17. Each of you take along your fire pan with incense in it and offer the incense to the Lord.”

18. The next day the men placed incense and coals in their fire pans and stood with Moses and Aaron at the entrance to the sacred tent.

19. Meanwhile, Korah had convinced the rest of the Israelites to rebel against their two leaders.When that happened, the Lord appeared in all his glory

20. and said to Moses and Aaron,

21. “Get away from the rest of the Israelites so I can kill them at once!”

22. But the two men bowed down and prayed, “Our God, you gave these people life. Why would you punish everyone here when only one man has sinned?”

23. The Lord answered Moses,

24. “Tell the people to stay away from the tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.”

25. Moses walked over to Dathan and Abiram, and the other leaders of Israel followed.

26. Then Moses warned the people, “Get away from the tents of these sinful men! Don't touch anything that belongs to them or you'll be wiped out.”

27. So everyone moved away from those tents, except Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and their families.

28. Moses said to the crowd, “The Lord has chosen me and told me to do these things—it wasn't my idea. And here's how you will know:

Read complete chapter Numbers 16