Old Testament

New Testament

Leviticus 25:1-14-15 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. When Moses was on Mount Sinai, the Lord told him

2. to say to the community of Israel:After you enter the land that I am giving you, it must be allowed to rest one year out of every seven.

3. You may raise grain and grapes for six years,

4. but the seventh year you must let your fields and vineyards rest in honour of me, your Lord.

5. This is to be a time of complete rest for your fields and vineyards, so don't harvest anything they produce.

6-7. However, you and your slaves and your hired workers, as well as any domestic or wild animals, may eat whatever grows on its own.

8. Once every forty-nine years

9. on the tenth day of the seventh month, which is also the Great Day of Forgiveness, trumpets are to be blown everywhere in the land.

10. This fiftieth year is sacred—it is a time of freedom and of celebration when everyone will receive back their original property, and slaves will return home to their families.

11. This is a year of complete celebration, so don't plant any seed or harvest what your fields or vineyards produce.

12. In this time of sacred celebration you may eat only what grows on its own.

13. During this year, all property must go back to its original owner.

14-15. So when you buy or sell farmland, the price is to be determined by the number of crops it can produce before the next Year of Celebration. Don't try to cheat.

Read complete chapter Leviticus 25