Old Testament

New Testament

Leviticus 22:22-32-33 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

22. Don't offer an animal that is blind or injured or that has an infection or a skin disease.

23. If one of your cattle or lambs has a leg that is longer or shorter than the others, you may offer it voluntarily, but not as part of a promise.

24. As long as you live in this land, don't offer an animal with injured testicles.

25. And don't bring me animals you bought from a foreigner. I won't accept them, because they are no better than one that has something wrong with it.

26. The Lord told Moses to say:

27. Newborn cattle, sheep, or goats must remain with their mothers for seven days, but on the eighth day, you may send them up in smoke to me, and I will accept the offering.

28. Don't sacrifice a newborn animal and its mother on the same day.

29. When you offer a sacrifice to give thanks to me, you must do it in a way that is acceptable.

30. Eat all the meat that same day and don't save any for the next day. I am the Lord your God!

31. Obey my laws and teachings—I am the Lord.

32-33. I demand respect from the people of Israel, so don't disgrace my holy name. Remember—I am the one who chose you to be priests and rescued all of you from Egypt, so that I would be your Lord.

Read complete chapter Leviticus 22