Old Testament

New Testament

Leviticus 14:7-24-25 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

7. Next, he will sprinkle you seven times with the blood and say, “You are now clean.” Finally, he will release the bird and let it fly away.

8. After this you must wash your clothes, shave your entire body, and take a bath before you are completely clean. You may move back into camp, but you must not enter your tent for seven days.

9. Then you must once again shave your head, face, and eyebrows, as well as the hair on the rest of your body. Finally, wash your clothes and take a bath, and you will be completely clean.

10. On the eighth day you must bring to the priest two rams and a year-old female lamb that have nothing wrong with them; also bring a third of a litre of olive oil and three kilogrammes of your finest flour mixed with oil.

11. Then the priest will present you and your offerings to me at the entrance to my sacred tent.

12. There he will offer one of the rams, together with the one third of a litre of oil, as a sacrifice to make things right. He will also lift them up to show that they are dedicated to me.

13. This sacrifice is very holy. It belongs to the priest and must be killed in the same place where animals are killed as sacrifices for sins and as sacrifices to please me.

14. The priest will smear some of the blood from this sacrifice on your right ear lobe, some on your right thumb, and some on the big toe of your right foot.

15. He will then pour some of the olive oil into the palm of his left hand,

16. dip a finger of his right hand into the oil, and sprinkle some of it seven times towards the sacred tent.

17. Next, he will smear some of the oil on your right ear lobe, some on your right thumb, and some on the big toe of your right foot,

18-20. and pour the rest of the oil from his palm on your head. Then he will offer the other two animals—one as a sacrifice for sin and the other as a sacrifice to please me, together with a grain sacrifice. After this you will be completely clean.

21. If you are poor and cannot afford to offer this much, you may offer a ram as a sacrifice to make things right, together with a third of a litre of olive oil and one kilogramme of flour mixed with oil as a grain sacrifice. The priest will then lift these up to dedicate them to me.

22. Depending on what you can afford, you must also offer either two doves or two pigeons, one as a sacrifice for sin and the other as a sacrifice to please me.

23. The priest will offer these to me in front of the sacred tent on the eighth day.

24-25. The priest will kill this ram for the sacrifice to make things right, and he will lift it up with the olive oil in dedication to me. Then he will smear some of the blood on your right ear lobe, some on your right thumb, and some on the big toe of your right foot.

Read complete chapter Leviticus 14