Old Testament

New Testament

Leviticus 14:1-9 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. The Lord told Moses to say to the people:

2-3. After you think you are healed of leprosy, you must ask for a priest to come outside the camp and examine you. And if you are well,

4. he will order someone to bring out two live birds that are acceptable for sacrifice, together with a stick of cedar wood, a piece of red yarn, and a branch from a hyssop plant.

5. The priest will order someone to kill one of the birds over a clay pot of spring water.

6. Then he will dip the other bird, the cedar, the red yarn, and the hyssop in the blood of the dead bird.

7. Next, he will sprinkle you seven times with the blood and say, “You are now clean.” Finally, he will release the bird and let it fly away.

8. After this you must wash your clothes, shave your entire body, and take a bath before you are completely clean. You may move back into camp, but you must not enter your tent for seven days.

9. Then you must once again shave your head, face, and eyebrows, as well as the hair on the rest of your body. Finally, wash your clothes and take a bath, and you will be completely clean.

Read complete chapter Leviticus 14