Old Testament

New Testament

Judges 4:9-18 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

9. “All right, I'll go!” she replied. “But I'm warning you that the Lord is going to let a woman defeat Sisera, and no one will honour you for winning the battle.”Deborah and Barak left for Kedesh,

10. where Barak called together the troops from Zebulun and Naphtali. Ten thousand soldiers gathered there, and Barak led them out from Kedesh. Deborah went too.

11. At this time, Heber of the Kenite clan was living near the village of Oak in Zaanannim, not far from Kedesh. The Kenites were descendants of Hobab, the father-in-law of Moses, but Heber had moved and had set up his tents away from the rest of the clan.

12. When Sisera learnt that Barak had led an army to Mount Tabor,

13. he called his troops together and got all nine hundred iron chariots ready. Then he led his army away from Harosheth-Ha-Goiim to the River Kishon.

14. Deborah shouted, “Barak, it's time to attack Sisera! Because today the Lord is going to help you defeat him. In fact, the Lord has already gone on ahead to fight for you.”Barak led his ten thousand troops down from Mount Tabor.

15. And during the battle, the Lord confused Sisera, his chariot drivers, and his whole army. Everyone was so afraid of Barak and his army, that even Sisera jumped down from his chariot and tried to escape.

16. Barak's forces went after Sisera's chariots and army as far as Harosheth-Ha-Goiim.Sisera's entire army was wiped out.

17. Only Sisera escaped. He ran to Heber's camp, because Heber and his family had a peace treaty with the king of Hazor. Sisera went to the tent that belonged to Jael, Heber's wife.

18. She came out to greet him and said, “Come in, sir! Please come on in. Don't be afraid.”After they had gone inside, Sisera lay down, and Jael covered him with a blanket.

Read complete chapter Judges 4