Old Testament

New Testament

Job 9:5-13 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

5. When God becomes angry,he can move mountainsbefore they even know it.

6. God can shake the earth loosefrom its foundations

7. or command the sun and starsto hold back their light.

8. God alone stretched out the sky,stepped on the sea,

9. and set the stars in place—the Great Bear and Orion,the Pleiades and the starsin the southern sky.

10. Of all the miracles God works,we cannot understand a single one.

11. God walks right past me,without making a sound.

12. And if he grabs something,who can stop himor raise a question?

13. When God showed his anger,the servants of the sea monsterfell at his feet.

Read complete chapter Job 9