Old Testament

New Testament

Job 9:10-18 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

10. Of all the miracles God works,we cannot understand a single one.

11. God walks right past me,without making a sound.

12. And if he grabs something,who can stop himor raise a question?

13. When God showed his anger,the servants of the sea monsterfell at his feet.

14. How, then, could I possiblyargue my case with God?

15. Even though I am innocent,I can only beg for mercy.

16. And if God came into courtwhen I called him,he would not hear my case.

17. He would strike me with a stormand increase my injuriesfor no reason at all.

18. Before I could get my breath,my miseries would multiply.

Read complete chapter Job 9