Old Testament

New Testament

Job 33:4-14 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

4. just as surely as the Spiritof God All-Powerfulgave me the breath of life.

5. Now line up your argumentsand prepare to face me.

6. We were each made from clay,and God has no favourites,

7. so don't be afraid of meor what I might do.

8. I have heard you argue

9. that you are innocent,guilty of nothing.

10. You claim that Godhas made you his enemy,

11. that he has bound your feetand blocked your path.

12. But, Job, you're wrong—God is greaterthan any human.

13. So why do you challenge Godto answer you?

14. God speaks in different ways,and we don't alwaysrecognize his voice.

Read complete chapter Job 33