Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 51:7-10 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

7. Babylon was my golden cup,filled with the wineof my anger.The nations of the worldgot drunk on this wineand went insane.

8. But suddenly, Babylon will falland be destroyed.I, the Lord, told the foreignerswho lived there,“Weep for the city!Get medicine for its wounds;perhaps they will heal.”

9. The foreigners answered,“We have already triedto treat Babylon's wounds,but they would not heal.Come on, let's all go hometo our own countries.Nothing is left in Babylonia;everything is destroyed.”

10. The people of Israel said,“Tell everyone in Zion!The Lord has taken revengefor what Babylon did to us.”

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 51