Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 51:22-28 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

22. as well as men and women,young and old,

23. shepherds and their flocks,farmers and their oxen,and governors and leaders.

24. But now, my people will watch,while I repay youfor what you did to Zion.

25. You destroyed the nationsand seem strong as a mountain,but I am your enemy.I might even grab youand roll you off a cliff.When I have finished,you'll only be a pileof scorched bricks.

26. Your stone blocks won't be reusedfor cornerstonesor foundations,and I promise that for everyou will be a desert.I, the Lord, have spoken.

27. Signal the nationsto get ready to attack.Raise a flag and blow a trumpet.Send for the armies of Ararat,Minni, and Ashkenaz.Choose a commander;let the cavalry attacklike a swarm of locusts.

28. Tell the kings and governors,the leaders and the peopleof the kingdoms of the Medesto prepare for war!

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 51