Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 51:10-27 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

10. The people of Israel said,“Tell everyone in Zion!The Lord has taken revengefor what Babylon did to us.”

11. I, the Lord,want Babylon destroyed,because its armydestroyed my temple.So, you kings of Media,sharpen your arrowsand pick up your shields.

12. Raise the signal flagand attack the city walls.Post more guards.Command soldiers to watch the cityand set up ambushes.I have made plansto destroy Babylon,and nothing will stop me.

13. People of Babylon, you livealong the River Euphratesand are surrounded by canals.You are rich,but now the time has comefor you to die.

14. I, the Lord All-Powerful,swear by my own lifethat enemy soldierswill fill your streetslike a swarm of locusts.They will shoutand celebrate their victory.

15. God used his wisdom and powerto create the earthand spread out the heavens.

16. The waters in the heavens roarat his command.He makes clouds appear;he sends the windfrom his storehouseand makes lightning flashin the rain.

17. People who make idolsare stupid!They will be disappointed,because their false godscannot breathe.

18. Idols are merely a joke,and when the time is right,they will be destroyed.

19. But the Lord, Israel's God,is all-powerful.He created everything,and he chose Israelto be his very own.

20. Babylonia, you were my hammer;I used you to pound nationsand break kingdoms,

21. to shatter cavalry and chariots,

22. as well as men and women,young and old,

23. shepherds and their flocks,farmers and their oxen,and governors and leaders.

24. But now, my people will watch,while I repay youfor what you did to Zion.

25. You destroyed the nationsand seem strong as a mountain,but I am your enemy.I might even grab youand roll you off a cliff.When I have finished,you'll only be a pileof scorched bricks.

26. Your stone blocks won't be reusedfor cornerstonesor foundations,and I promise that for everyou will be a desert.I, the Lord, have spoken.

27. Signal the nationsto get ready to attack.Raise a flag and blow a trumpet.Send for the armies of Ararat,Minni, and Ashkenaz.Choose a commander;let the cavalry attacklike a swarm of locusts.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 51