Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 4:13-29 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

13. Look! The enemy armyswoops down like an eagle;their cavalry and chariotsrace faster than storm cloudsblown by the wind.”Then you will answer,“We are doomed!”

14. But Jerusalem, there is still timefor you to be saved.Wash the evil from your heartsand stop making sinful plans,

15. before a message of disasterarrives from the hills of Ephraimand the town of Dan.

16-17. The Lord said,“Tell the nations that my peoplehave rebelled against me.And so an army will comefrom far awayto surround Jerusalemand the towns of Judah.I, the Lord, have spoken.

18. “People of Judah,your hearts will be in pain,but it's your own faultthat you will be punished.”

19. I can't stand the pain!My heart pounds,as I twist and turn in agony.I hear the signal trumpetand the battle cry of the enemy,and I cannot be silent.

20. I see the enemy defeating ustime after time,leaving everything in ruins.Even my own homeis destroyed in a moment.

21. How long will I see enemy flagsand hear their trumpets?

22. I heard the Lord say,“My people ignore me.They are foolish childrenwho do not understandthat they will be punished.All they know is how to sin.”

23. After this, I looked around.The earth was barren,with no form of life.The sun, moon, and starshad disappeared.

24. The mountains were shaking;

25. no people could be seen,and all the birdshad flown away.

26. Farmland had become a desert,and towns were in ruins.The Lord's fierce angerhad done all of this.

27-28. The Lord said:I have made my decision,and I won't change my mind.This land will be destroyed,although not completely.The sky will turn dark,and the earth will mourn.

29. Enemy cavalry and archersshout their battle cry.People run for their livesand try to find safetyamong trees and rocks.Every town is empty.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 4