Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 32:20-30-33 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

20. You are famous because you worked miracles in Egypt, and you are still working them in Israel and in the rest of the world as well.

21. You terrified the Egyptians with your miracles, and you reached out your mighty arm and rescued your people Israel from Egypt.

22. Then you gave Israel this land rich with milk and honey, just as you had promised our ancestors.

23. But when our ancestors took over the land, they did not obey you. And now you have punished Israel with disaster.

24. Jerusalem is under attack, and we suffer from hunger and disease. The Babylonians have already built earth ramps up to the city walls, and you can see that Jerusalem will be captured just as you said.

25. So why did you tell me to get some witnesses and buy a field with my silver, when Jerusalem is about to be captured by the Babylonians?

26. The Lord explained:

27. Jeremiah, I am the Lord God. I rule the world, and I can do anything!

28. It is true that I am going to let King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia capture Jerusalem.

29. The Babylonian army is already attacking, and they will capture the city and set it on fire. The people of Jerusalem have made me angry by going up to the flat roofs of their houses and burning incense to Baal and offering wine sacrifices to other gods. Now these houses will be burnt to the ground!

30-33. The kings and the officials, the priests and the prophets, and everyone else in Israel and Judah have turned from me and made me angry by worshipping idols. Again and again I have tried to teach my people to obey me, but they refuse to be corrected.I am going to get rid of Jerusalem, because its people have done nothing but evil.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 32