Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 25:11-22 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

11. This country will be as empty as a desert, because I will make all of you the slaves of the king of Babylonia for seventy years.

12. When that time is up, I will punish the king of Babylonia and his people for everything they have done wrong, and I will turn that country into a wasteland for ever.

13. My servant Jeremiah has told you what I said I will do to Babylonia and to the other nations, and he wrote it all down in this book. I will do everything I threatened.

14. I will pay back the Babylonians for every wrong they have done. Great kings from many other nations will conquer the Babylonians and force them to be slaves.

15. The Lord God of Israel showed me a vision in which he said, “Jeremiah, here is a cup filled with the wine of my anger. Take it and make every nation drink some.

16. They will vomit and act mad, because of the war this cup of anger will bring to them.”

17. I took the cup from the Lord's hand, and I went to the kings of the nations and made each of them drink some.

18. I started with Jerusalem and the towns of Judah, and the king and his officials were removed from power in disgrace. Everyone still makes insulting jokes about them and uses their names as curse words.

19. The second place I went was Egypt, where everyone had to drink from the cup, including the king and his officials, the other government workers, the rest of the Egyptians,

20. and all the foreigners who lived in the country.Next I went to the king of Uz, and then to the four kings of Philistia, who ruled from Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron, and what was left of Ashdod.

21. Then I went to the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon,

22. and to the kings of Tyre, Sidon, and their colonies across the sea.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 25