Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 23:13-20 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

13. The prophets in Samariawere disgusting to me,because they preachedin the name of Baaland led my people astray.

14. And you prophets in Jerusalemare even worse.You're unfaithful in marriageand never tell the truth.You even lead others to sininstead of helping themturn back to me.You and the people of Jerusalemare evil like Sodomand Gomorrah.

15. You prophets in Jerusalemhave spread evil everywhere.That's why I, the Lord, promiseto give you bitter poisonto eat and drink.

16. Don't listen to the liesof these false prophets,you people of Judah!The message they preachis something they imagined;it did not come from me,the Lord All-Powerful.

17. These prophets go to peoplewho refuse to respect meand who are stubbornand do whatever they want.The prophets tell them,“The Lord has promisedeverything will be fine.”

18. But I, the Lord, tell youthat these prophetshave never attended a meetingof my council in heavenor heard me speak.

19. They are evil! So in my angerI will strike themlike a violent storm.

20. I won't calm down,until I have finishedwhat I have decided to do.Some day you will understandexactly what I mean.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 23