Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 55:4-10 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

4. I made him the leader and rulerof the nations;he was my witness to them.

5. You will call out to nationsyou have never known.And they have never known you,but they will come runningbecause I am the Lord,the holy God of Israel,and I have honoured you.

6. Turn to the Lord!He can still be found.Call out to God! He is near.

7. Give up your crooked waysand your evil thoughts.Return to the Lord our God.He will be mercifuland forgive your sins.

8. The Lord says:“My thoughts and my waysare not like yours.

9. Just as the heavensare higher than the earth,my thoughts and my waysare higher than yours.

10. “Rain and snow fall from the sky.But they don't returnwithout watering the earththat produces seeds to plantand grain to eat.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 55