Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 51:1-6 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. If you want to do rightand obey the Lord,follow Abraham's example.He was the rock from whichyou were chipped.

2. God chose Abraham and Sarahto be your ancestors.The Lord blessed Abraham,and from that one mancame many descendants.

3. Though Zion is in ruins,the Lord will bring comfort,and the city will be as lovelyas the garden of Edenthat he provided.Then Zion will celebrate;it will be thankfuland sing joyful songs.

4. The Lord says:You are my people and nation!So pay attention to me.My teaching will cause justiceto shine like a lightfor every nation.

5. Those who live across the seaare eagerly waitingfor me to rescue them.I am strong and ready;soon I will come to saveand to rule all nations.

6. Look closely at the sky!Stare at the earth.The sky will vanish like smoke;the earth will wear outlike clothes.Everyone on this earthwill die like flies.But my victory will last;my saving power never ends.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 51