Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 45:1-7 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. The Lord said to Cyrus, his chosen one:I have taken holdof your right handto help you capture nationsand remove kings from power.City gates will open for you;not one will stay closed.

2. As I lead you,I will level mountainsand break the iron barson bronze gates of cities.

3. I will give you treasureshidden in darkand secret places.Then you will know that I,the Lord God of Israel,have called you by name.

4. Cyrus, you don't even know me!But I have called you by nameand highly honoured youbecause of Israel,my chosen servant.

5. Only I am the Lord!There are no other gods.I have made you strong,though you don't know me.

6. Now everyone from east to westwill learn that I am the Lord.No other gods are real.

7. I create light and darkness,happiness and sorrow.I, the Lord, do all of this.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 45