Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 25:1-6 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. You, Lord, are my God!I will praise youfor doing the wonderful thingsyou had planned and promisedsince ancient times.

2. You have destroyed the fortressof our enemies,leaving their city in ruins.Nothing in that foreign citywill ever be rebuilt.

3. Now strong and cruel nationswill fear and honour you.

4. You have been a place of safetyfor the poor and needyin times of trouble.Brutal enemies pounded uslike a heavy rainor the heat of the sun at midday,but you were our shelter.

5. Those wild foreigners strucklike scorching desert heat.But you were like a cloud,protecting us from the sun.You kept our enemies from singingsongs of victory.

6. On this mountainthe Lord All-Powerfulwill prepare for all nationsa feast of the finest foods.Choice wines and the best meatswill be served.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 25