Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 2:10-17 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

10. Every one of you,hide among the rocksand in the ground,because the Lord is fearsome,marvellous, and glorious.

11. When the Lord comes,everyone who is proudwill be made humble,and the Lord alonewill be honoured.

12. The Lord All-Powerfulhas chosen a daywhen those who are proudand conceitedwill be put down.

13. The tall and toweringcedars of Lebanonwill be destroyed.So will the oak trees of Bashan,

14. all high mountains and hills,

15. every strong fortress,

16. all the seagoing ships,and every beautiful boat.

17. When that day comes,everyone who is proudwill be put down.Only the Lord will be honoured.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 2