Old Testament

New Testament

Hosea 9:8-14 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

8. Israel, the Lord sent meto look after you.But you trap his prophetsand flood his templewith your hatred.

9. You are brutal and corrupt,as were the men of Gibeah.But God remembers your sin,and you will be punished.

10. Israel, when I, the Lord,found you long agoit was like findinggrapes in a barren desertor tender young figs.Then you worshipped Baal-Peor,that disgusting idol,and you became as disgustingas the idol you loved.

11. And so, Israel, your glorywill fly away like birds—your women will no longerbe able to give birth.

12. Even if you do have children,I will take them alland leave you to mourn.I will turn away,and you will sink downin deep trouble.

13. Israel, when I first met you,I thought of you as palm treesgrowing in fertile ground.Now you lead your people out,only to be slaughtered.

14. Our Lord, do just one thingfor your people—make their women unableto have childrenor to nurse their babies.

Read complete chapter Hosea 9