Old Testament

New Testament

Habakkuk 3:12-18 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

12. In your furious anger,you trampled on nations

13. to rescue your peopleand save your chosen one.You crushed a nation's rulerand stripped his evil kingdomof its power.

14. His troops had come like a storm,hoping to scatter usand glad to gobble us up.To them we were refugeesin hiding—but you smashed their headswith their own weapons.

15. Then your chariots churnedthe waters of the sea.

16. When I heard this message,I felt weak from fear,and my lips quivered.My bones seemed to melt,and I stumbled around.But I will patiently wait.Some day those vicious enemieswill be struck by disaster.

17. Fig trees may no longer bloom,or vineyards produce grapes;olive trees may be fruitless,and harvest time a failure;sheep pens may be empty,and cattle stalls vacant—

18. but I will still celebratebecause the Lord Godsaves me.

Read complete chapter Habakkuk 3