Old Testament

New Testament

Genesis 20:2-8 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

2. he told everyone that his wife Sarah was his sister. So King Abimelech of Gerar had Sarah brought to him.

3. But God came to Abimelech in a dream and said, “You have taken a married woman, and for this you will die!”

4-5. Abimelech said to the Lord, “Don't kill me! I haven't slept with Sarah. Didn't they say they were brother and sister? I am completely innocent.”

6. God spoke to Abimelech in another dream and said:I know you are innocent. That's why I kept you from sleeping with Sarah and doing anything wrong.

7. Her husband is a prophet. Let her go back to him, and his prayers will save you from death. But if you don't return her, you and all your people will die.

8. Early the next morning Abimelech sent for his officials, and when he told them what had happened, they were frightened.

Read complete chapter Genesis 20