Old Testament

New Testament

Ezekiel 39:12-24 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

12. The Israelites will spend seven months burying dead bodies and cleaning up their land.

13. Everyone will help with the burial, and they will be honoured for this on the day the brightness of my glory is seen.

14. After those seven months, the people will appoint a group of men to look for any dead bodies left unburied. This must be done for seven months to make sure that the land is no longer unclean.

15. Whenever they find a human bone, they will set up a marker next to it. Then the gravediggers will bury it in “The Valley of Gog's Army”

16. near the town of “Gog's Army”. After that, the land will be pure again.

17. Ezekiel, son of man, I am going to hold a feast on Israel's mountains and offer sacrifices there. So invite all the birds and wild animals to come from every direction and eat the meat of sacrifices and drink the blood. The birds and animals

18. will feast on the bodies of warriors and foreign rulers that I will sacrifice like sheep, goats, and bulls.

19. I want the birds and animals to eat until they are full and drink until they are drunk.

20. They will come to my table and stuff themselves with the flesh of horses and warriors of every kind. I, the Lord God, have spoken.

21. When I punish the nations of the earth, they will see the brightness of my glory.

22. The people of Israel will know from then on that I am the Lord their God.

23. Foreign nations will realize that the Israelites were forced to leave their own land because they sinned against me. I turned my back on my people and let enemies attack and kill them.

24. Their lives were wicked and corrupt, and they deserved to be punished.

Read complete chapter Ezekiel 39