Old Testament

New Testament

Ezekiel 32:7-24-25 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

7. I will cover the whole sky and every star with thick clouds, so that the sun and moon will stop shining.

8. The heavens will become black, leaving your country in total darkness. I, the Lord, have spoken.

9. Foreign nations you have never heard of will be shocked when I tell them how I destroyed you.

10. They will be horrified, and when I flash my sword in victory on the day of your death, their kings will tremble in the fear of what could happen to them.

11. The king of Babylonia is coming to attack you, king of Egypt!

12. Your soldiers will be killed by the cruellest army in the world, and everything you take pride in will be crushed.

13. I will slaughter your cattle that graze by the river, and no people or livestock will be left to muddy its water.

14. The water will be clear, and streams will be calm. I, the Lord God, have spoken.

15. Egypt will become a barren wasteland, and no living thing will ever survive there. Then you and your people will know that I am the Lord.

16. This is your warning, and it will be used as a funeral song by foreign women to mourn the death of your people. I, the Lord God, have spoken.

17. On the fifteenth day of that same month, the Lord said:

18. Ezekiel, son of man, mourn for the Egyptians and condemn them to the world of the dead, where they will be buried beside the people of other powerful nations.

19. Say to them:You may be more beautifulthan the peopleof other nations,but you will also dieand join the godlessin the world below.

20. You cannot escape! The enemy's sword is ready to slaughter every one of you.

21. Brave military leaders killed in battle will gladly welcome you and your allies into the world of the dead.

22-23. The graves of soldiers from Assyria are there. They once terrified people, but they were killed in battle and now lie deep in the world of the dead.

24-25. The graves of soldiers from Elam are there. The very sight of those godless soldiers once terrified their enemies and made them panic. But now they are disgraced and ashamed as they lie in the world of the dead, beside others who were killed in battle.

Read complete chapter Ezekiel 32