Old Testament

New Testament

Exodus 12:27-31 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

27. And you will answer, “The Passover animal is killed to honour the Lord. We do these things because on that night long ago the Lord passed over the homes of our people in Egypt. He killed the firstborn sons of the Egyptians, but he saved our children from death.”After Moses finished speaking, the people of Israel knelt down and worshipped the Lord.

28. Then they left and did what Moses and Aaron had told them to do.

29. At midnight the Lord killed the firstborn son of every Egyptian family, from the son of the king to the son of every prisoner in jail. He also killed the firstborn male of every animal that belonged to the Egyptians.

30. That night the king, his officials, and everyone else in Egypt got up and started crying bitterly. In every Egyptian home, someone was dead.

31. During the night the king sent for Moses and Aaron and told them, “Get your people out of my country and leave us alone! Go and worship the Lord, as you have asked.

Read complete chapter Exodus 12