Old Testament

New Testament

2 Samuel 19:13-23 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

13. And tell Amasa, “You're my nephew, and with God as a witness, I swear I'll make you commander of my army instead of Joab.”

14. Soon the tribe of Judah again became followers of David, and they sent him this message: “Come back, and bring your soldiers with you.”

15. David started back and had gone as far as the River Jordan when he met the people of Judah. They had gathered at Gilgal and had come to help him cross the river.

16. Shimei the son of Gera was there with them. He had hurried from Bahurim to meet David. Shimei was from the tribe of Benjamin, and

17. a thousand others from Benjamin had come with him.Ziba, the chief servant of Saul's family, also came to the River Jordan. He and his fifteen sons and twenty servants waded across to meet David.

18. Then they brought David's family and servants back across the river, and they did everything he wanted them to do.Shimei crossed the River Jordan and bowed down in front of David.

19. He said, “Your Majesty, I beg you not to punish me! Please, forget what I did when you were leaving Jerusalem. Don't even think about it.

20. I know I was wrong. That's why I wanted to be the first one from the northern tribes to meet you.”

21. But Abishai shouted, “You should be killed for cursing the Lord's chosen king!”

22. David said, “Abishai, whatever will I do with you and your brother Joab? Is it your job to tell me who has done wrong? I've been made king of all Israel today, and no one will be put to death!”

23. Then David promised Shimei that he would not be killed.

Read complete chapter 2 Samuel 19