Old Testament

New Testament

2 Chronicles 25:7-12 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

7. One of God's prophets said, “Your Majesty, don't let these Israelite soldiers march into battle with you. The Lord has refused to help anyone from the northern kingdom of Israel,

8. and so he will let your enemies defeat you, even if you fight hard. He is the one who brings both victory and defeat.”

9. Amaziah replied, “What am I supposed to do about all the silver I paid those troops?”“The Lord will give you back even more than you paid,” the prophet answered.

10. Amaziah ordered the troops from Israel to go home, but when they left, they were furious with the people of Judah.

11. After Amaziah got his courage back, he led his troops to Salt Valley, where he killed ten thousand Edomite soldiers in battle.

12. He captured ten thousand more soldiers and dragged them to the top of a high cliff. Then he pushed them over the side, and they were all killed on the rocks below.

Read complete chapter 2 Chronicles 25