Old Testament

New Testament

1 Kings 2:25-28 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

25. “Benaiah,” Solomon shouted, “go and kill Adonijah.” So Adonijah died.

26. Solomon sent for Abiathar the priest and said:Abiathar, go back home to Anathoth! You ought to be killed too, but I won't do it now. When my father David was king, you were in charge of the sacred chest, and you went through a lot of hard times with my father.

27. But I won't let you be a priest of the Lord any more.And so the promise that the Lord had made at Shiloh about the family of Eli came true.

28. Joab had not helped Absalom try to become king, but he had helped Adonijah. So when Joab learnt that Adonijah had been killed, he ran to the sacred tent and grabbed hold of the corners of the altar for protection.

Read complete chapter 1 Kings 2