Old Testament

New Testament

1 Chronicles 17:1-11 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. Soon after David moved into his new palace, he said to Nathan the prophet, “Look around! I live in a palace made of cedar, but the sacred chest is kept in a tent.”

2. Nathan replied, “The Lord is with you—do what you want.”

3. That night, the Lord told Nathan

4. to go to David and tell him:David, you are my servant, so listen carefully: you are not the one to build a temple for me.

5. I didn't live in a temple when I brought my people out of Egypt, and I don't live in one now. A tent has always been my home wherever I have gone with them.

6. I chose special leaders and told them to be like shepherds for my people Israel. But did I ever say anything to even one of them about building a cedar temple for me?

7. David, this is what I, the Lord All-Powerful, say to you. I brought you in from the fields where you took care of sheep, and I made you the leader of my people.

8. Wherever you went, I helped you and destroyed your enemies right in front of your eyes. I have made you one of the most famous people in the world.

9. I have given my people Israel a land of their own where they can live in peace. They will no longer have to tremble with fear—evil nations won't bother them, as they did

10. when I let judges rule my people, and I will keep your enemies from attacking you.Now I promise that like you, your descendants will be kings.

11. I'll choose one of your sons to be king when you reach the end of your life and are buried beside your ancestors. I'll make him a strong ruler,

Read complete chapter 1 Chronicles 17