Old Testament

New Testament

1 Chronicles 11:1-6 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. Israel's leaders met with David at Hebron and said, “We are your relatives,

2. and we know that you have led our army into battle, even when Saul was still our king. The Lord God has promised that you would rule our country and take care of us like a shepherd.

3. So we have come to crown you king of Israel.”David made an agreement with the leaders and asked the Lord to be their witness. Then the leaders poured olive oil on David's head to show that he was now king of Israel. This happened just as the Lord's prophet Samuel had said.

4. Jerusalem was called Jebus at the time, and David led Israel's army to attack the town.

5. The Jebusites said, “You won't be able to get in here!” But David captured the fortress of Mount Zion, which is now called the City of David.

6. David had told his troops, “The first soldier to kill a Jebusite will become my army commander.” And since Joab son of Zeruiah attacked first, he became commander.

Read complete chapter 1 Chronicles 11