Old Testament

New Testament

2 Corinthians 11:10-26 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

10. As surely as I speak the truth about Christ, no one in Achaia can stop me from boasting about this.

11. And it isn't because I don't love you. God himself knows how much I do love you.

12. I plan to go on doing just what I have always done. Then those people won't be able to boast about doing the same things we are doing.

13. Anyway, they are no more than false apostles and dishonest workers. They only pretend to be apostles of Christ.

14. And it is no wonder. Even Satan tries to make himself look like an angel of light.

15. So why does it seem strange for Satan's servants to pretend to do what is right? Some day they will get exactly what they deserve.

16. I don't want any of you to think that I am a fool. But if you do, then let me be a fool and boast a little.

17. When I do all this boasting, I do it as a fool and not for the Lord.

18. Yet if others want to boast about what they have done, so will I.

19. And since you are so clever, you will gladly put up with a fool.

20. In fact, you let people make slaves of you and cheat you and steal from you. Why, you even let them strut around and slap you in the face.

21. I am ashamed to say that we are too weak to behave in such a way.If they can boast, so can I, but it is a foolish thing to do.

22. Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Jews? So am I. Are they from the family of Abraham? Well, so am I.

23. Are they servants of Christ? I am a fool to talk this way, but I serve him better than they do. I have worked harder and have been put in jail more times. I have been beaten with whips more and have been in danger of death more often.

24. Five times the Jews gave me thirty-nine lashes with a whip.

25. Three times the Romans beat me with a big stick, and once my enemies stoned me. I have been shipwrecked three times, and I even had to spend a night and a day in the sea.

26. During my many travels, I have been in danger from rivers, robbers, my own people, and foreigners. My life has been in danger in cities, in deserts, at sea, and with people who only pretended to be the Lord's followers.

Read complete chapter 2 Corinthians 11