Old Testament

New Testament

Sirach 3:15-31 Common English Bible (CEB)

15. When you are in trouble,this will be recalled about you;like frost warmed by sunshine,so your sins will melt away.

16. Those who abandon their fathersare like blasphemers,and those who anger their mothershave been cursed by the Lord.

17. My child, conduct your affairswith gentleness,and you will be lovedmore than a person of good repute.

18. However great you become,humble yourself more,and you will find favor before the Lord,

20. because the Lord’s power is great,and he is glorified by the humble.

21. Don’t seek out thingsthat are too difficult for you,and don’t investigate matterstoo perplexing for you.

22. Think about whatyou have been commanded,because you have no needfor matters that are hidden.

23. Don’t meddle in thingsbeyond your own affairssince you have already been shown things beyond human understanding.

24. Speculation has led many people astray,and false conjectures haveweakened their thoughts.

26. A stubborn heart will come to misery,and whoever loves dangerwill be destroyed by it.

27. A stubborn heart will be weighed downby suffering,and the sinner will keep on sinning.

28. There’s no healing for the distressof arrogant people,because an evil planthas taken root in them.

29. The hearts of intelligent peoplewill think about a proverb,and the wise desire peoplewho are ready to listen.

30. Water will put out a blazing fire,and giving to those in needwill make up for sins.

31. Those who repay favorsconsider the future,and at the moment when they fall,they will find support.

Read complete chapter Sirach 3