Old Testament

New Testament

Sirach 3:1-13 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. Listen to a father’s warning, children,and act accordinglyso that you may be safe.

2. The Lord gives pride of placeto a father above his childrenand establishes a mother’s judgmentabove that of her offspring.

3. Those who honor their fatherswill make up for their own sins,

4. and those who praise their motherare like people storing up treasure.

5. Those who honor their fatherswill be made happyby their own children,and they will be heard when they pray.

6. Those who praise their fatherswill live a long life,and those who listen to the Lordwill give rest to their mothers,

7. and they will serve their parentsas their masters.

8. Honor your father in action and wordso that a blessing will comefrom him to you,

9. since a father’s blessingsupports his children’s families,but a mother’s curseundermines their foundations.

10. Don’t glorify yourselfin your father’s disgrace,because your father’s disgracebrings you no credit.

11. A father’s honor is the starting pointfor his children’s reputation,and a mother in disreputeis a disgrace to her children.

12. My child, help your father in his old age,and don’t give him grief during his life.

13. And if his understanding fails,be tolerant,and don’t shame him,because you have all your faculties.

Read complete chapter Sirach 3