Old Testament

New Testament

Sirach 20:20-31 Common English Bible (CEB)

20. Proverbs told by fools will be rejected,because they’ll never tell themat their proper time.

21. Some are prevented from sinningbecause of poverty,and their conscience won’t be painedwhen they rest.

22. Some destroy their life through shame,and they destroy itbecause of foolish appearances.

23. Some promise a favor to a friendout of shame,and they create an enemy for no reason.

24. A lie is a bad blemish on a person;ignorant people tell them incessantly.

25. A thief is preferable to someonewho continuously lies,but both will inherit destruction.

26. The character of liars is dishonorable;their shame is continuouslywith them.

27. Wise people distinguish themselvesby their words,and prudent people will pleasethe powerful.

28. Those who work the soilwill pile up their harvest,and those who please the powerfulwill secure reconciliation for injuries.

29. Friendly relationships and giftswill blind the eyes of the wise;like a muzzle on a mouth,they turn away reproof.

30. Hidden wisdom and unseen treasure—of what benefit is either?

31. Better are those who hidetheir foolishnessthan those who hide their wisdom.

Read complete chapter Sirach 20