Old Testament

New Testament

Sirach 14:4-15 Common English Bible (CEB)

4. Those who deny themselvescollect for others,and others will live luxuriouslywith their goods.

5. Those who are evil to themselves,to whom will they be good?They will never enjoy their money.

6. There are none worse than thosewho begrudge themselves,and this is the paybackfor their wickedness:

7. If they do good,they do it without being aware,and in the end they revealtheir wickedness.

8. The miserly are evil;they turn their face awayand disregard people.

9. Those who have greedy eyesare never satisfied with their share,and evil injustice withers their soul.

10. Envious people are even begrudgingwhen it comes to bread,and it’s lacking on their table.

11. My child, treat yourself wellaccording to what you have,and bring offerings to the Lordthat are worthy.

12. Remember that death won’t delay,and the decree of the gravehasn’t been shown to you.

13. Before you die, treat your friends well.According to your ability, reach out, and give to them.

14. Enjoy a good day,and don’t let your shareof a good desire pass you by.

15. Won’t you end up leaving behindto another what you have workedso hard for?Won’t the things you have toiled forend up being divided by lot?

Read complete chapter Sirach 14