Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 7:3-15 Common English Bible (CEB)

3. Lord, my God, if I have done this—if my hands have done anything wrong,

4. if I have repaid a friend with evilor oppressed a foe for no reason—

5. then let my enemynot only chase but catch me,trampling my life into the ground,laying my reputation in the dirt. Selah

6. Get up, Lord; get angry!Stand up against the fury of my foes!Wake up, my God;you command that justice be done!

7. Let the assembled peoples surround you.Rule them from on high!

8. The Lord will judge the peoples.Establish justice for me, Lord, according to my righteousnessand according to my integrity.

9. Please let the evil of the wicked be over,but set the righteous firmly in placebecause you, the righteous God,are the one who examines hearts and minds.

10. God is my shield;he saves those whose heart is right.

11. God is a righteous judge,a God who is angry at evil every single day.

12. If someone doesn’t change their ways,God will sharpen his sword,will bend his bow,will string an arrow.

13. God has deadly weapons in storefor those who won’t change;he gets his flaming arrows ready!

14. But look how the wicked hatch evil,conceive trouble, give birth to lies!

15. They make a pit, dig it all out,and then fall right into the hole that they’ve made!

Read complete chapter Psalms 7