Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 114:1-8 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. When Israel came out of Egypt—when the house of Jacob came outfrom a people who spoke a different language—

2. Judah was God’s sanctuary;Israel was God’s territory.

3. The sea saw it happen and ran away;the Jordan River retreated!

4. The mountains leaped away like rams;the hills leaped away like lambs!

5. Sea, why did you run away?Jordan, why did you retreat?

6. Mountains, why did you leap away like rams?Hills, why did you leap away like lambs?

7. Earth: Tremble before the Lord!Tremble before the God of Jacob,

8. the one who turned that rock into a pool of water,that flint stone into a spring of water!

Read complete chapter Psalms 114