Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 7:15-23 Common English Bible (CEB)

15. So I’ve come out to meet you,seeking you, and I have found you.

16. I’ve spread my bed with luxurious covers,with colored linens from Egypt.

17. I’ve sprinkled my bed with myrrh,aloes, and cinnamon.

18. Come, let’s drink deep of love until morning;let’s savor our lovemaking.

19. For my husband isn’t home;he’s gone far away.

20. He took a pouch of money with him;he won’t come home till full moon."

21. She seduces him with all her talk.She entices him with her flattery.

22. He goes headlong after her,like an ox to the slaughter,like a deer leaping into a trap,

23. until an arrow pierces his liver,like a bird hurrying to the snare,not aware that it will cost him his life.

Read complete chapter Proverbs 7