Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 23:20-35 Common English Bible (CEB)

20. Don’t hang out with those who get drunk on wineor those who eat too much meat,

21. because drunks and gluttons will be impoverished;their stupor will clothe them in rags.

22. Listen to your father, who gave you life;don’t despise your elderly mother.

23. Buy truth and don’t sell it;buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding.

24. The father of the righteous will be very happy;the one who gives life to the wise will rejoice.

25. Your father and your mother will rejoice;she who gave you birth will be happy.

26. My child, give your mind to meand let your eyes keep to my path.

27. A prostitute is a deep pit,and a foreign woman is a narrow well.

28. Indeed, she ambushes like a robberand increases the number of the faithless.

29. Who is suffering?Who is uneasy?Who has arguments?Who has complaints?Who has unnecessary wounds?Who has glazed eyes?—

30. those who linger over wine;those who go looking for mixed wine.

31. Don’t look at wine when it is red,when it sparkles in the cup,going down smoothly.

32. In the end, it bites like a snakeand poisons like a viper.

33. Your eyes will see strange things,and your heart will speak distorted words.

34. You will be like one who lies down while out on the seaor one who lies on top of a mast.

35. "Though hit, I feel no pain;though beaten up, I don’t know anything about it.When I wake up,I’ll look for wine again!"

Read complete chapter Proverbs 23