Old Testament

New Testament

Obadiah 1:1-9 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. The vision of Obadiah.The Lord God proclaims concerning Edom:We have heard a message from the Lord—a messenger has been sent among the nations:"Rise up! Let us rise against her for battle!"

2. Look now, I will make you of little importance among the nations;you will be totally despised.

3. Your proud heart has tricked you—you who live in the cracks of the rock,whose dwelling is high above.You who say in your heart,"Who will bring me down to the ground?"

4. Though you soar like the eagle,though your nest is set among the stars,I will bring you down from there,says the Lord.

5. If thieves approach you,if robbers by night—how you’ve been devastated!—wouldn’t they steal only what they wanted?If those who gather grapes came to you,wouldn’t they leave some grapes?

6. How Esau has been looted,his treasures taken away!

7. All those who were your allieshave driven you to the border.Those who were on your side tricked youand triumphed over you.They are setting your own bread as a trap under you,but you don’t see it coming.

8. Won’t I on that day, says the Lord, destroy the wise from Edomand understanding from Mount Esau?

9. Your warriors will be shattered, Teman,and everyone from Mount Esau will be eliminated.

Read complete chapter Obadiah 1